In Nepal The information technology policy shall be developed to make information technology accessible to the general public and increase employment through this means, to build a knowledge-based society, and to establish knowledge-based industries.
The policies to be pursued for the implementation of the above-mentioned strategies shall be as follows:
• To declare information technology sectors a prioritized sector.
• To follow a single-door system for the development of information technology.
• To prioritize research and development of information technology.
• To create a conducive environment that will attract investment in the private sector, keeping in view the private sector's role in the development of information technology.
• To provide internet facilities to all Village Development committees of the country in phases.
• To provide internet facilities to all Village Development committees of the country in phases.
• To render assistance to educational institutions and encourage native and foreign training as a necessity of fulfilling the requirement of qualified manpower in various fields pertaining to information technology.
• To computerize the records of each governmental office and build websites for them for the flow of information.
• To increase the use of computers in the private sector.
• To develop physical and virtual information technology park in various places with the private sector's participation for the development of information technology.
• To use information technology to promote e-commerce, e-education, e-health, among others, and to transfer technology in rural areas.
• To establish National Information Technology Centre.
• To establish a national level fund by mobilizing the resources obtained from His Majesty's Government, donor agencies, and private sectors so as to contribute to research and development of information technology and other activities pertaining to it.
• To establish venture capital funds with the joint participation of public and private sectors.
• To include computer education in the curriculum from the school level and broaden its scope.
• To establish Nepal in the global market through the use of information technology.
• To draft necessary laws that provides legal sanctions to the use of information technology.
• To gradually use information technology in all types of governmental activities and provide legal sanctions to its uses in such activities.